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Visit the Macor Showroom

The Macor Jewellery Showroom is designed to provide an inspiring and comfortable environment where we will assist you in your choice of Diamonds and jewellery. 

All of our stock products are available for you to try on at our showroom. These include our signature Siro and Soli collections of wedding and engagement rings, necklaces and earrings, as well as our Modern Classic everyday jewellery collection.

You can order Macor products at our showroom. Products purchased in-store have the same delivery times as those stated on our website.



How to find us

Macor Showroom is located in the heart of Helsinki, with good transport connections. 

Macor Jewellery 
Annankatu 13
00120 Helsinki
Book appointment
We mainly serve customers by appointment. You can book an appointment using our handy calendar